Legal Troubles and Rap Sheet: Suge Knight has had numerous encounters with law enforcement, resulting in a rap sheet that has garnered significant attention [1]. While he made notable contributions to rap as the co-founder and former CEO of Death Row Records [5], his legal issues have often overshadowed his accomplishments in the music industry [1].

Timeline of Run-ins: Suge Knight's encounters with the law span several decades. During his time at UNLV, where he played football, his talent on the field overshadowed any concerns about potential legal issues [3]. However, his legal troubles became more prominent as his career progressed.

In 2010, Knight sued Kanye West over a shooting incident that occurred in 2005 [2]. This incident marked one of many instances where Knight was involved in violent altercations or faced allegations related to physical assault [2] [7]. The details of these incidents and the ensuing legal processes vary, but they contribute to the narrative of Knight's notorious run-ins with the law.

Fatal Hit-and-Run: One of the most significant incidents in Suge Knight's history occurred in 2015 when he was involved in a hit-and-run incident. Knight ran over a man, resulting in his death, and also injured another individual [4]. This incident led to criminal charges against Knight and added to his already extensive criminal record.

Bankruptcy and Death Row Records: Following numerous legal troubles, Suge Knight and Death Row Records filed for bankruptcy in 2006 [6]. This action came after Knight's legal issues had alienated him from reputable companies and caused his flagship artists to leave [6]. The bankruptcy filing further compounded the challenges faced by Knight and his record label.

Run-in on the set of "Straight Outta Compton": On January 30, 2015, Knight allegedly ran over two men with his truck after an argument on the set of the N.W.A. biopic "Straight Outta Compton" [1]. This incident resulted in Knight facing legal consequences.

Criminal allegations and legal troubles: Suge Knight has faced numerous legal issues throughout his career. He has been accused of murder, attempted murder, extortion, money laundering, assault, drug possession, battery, and robbery, among other charges [3]. These legal troubles have contributed to his reputation as a controversial figure in the music industry.

Power consolidation and criminal activities: In 1991, Knight was involved in consolidating power into Death Row Records by strong-arming away the contracts of Dr. Dre and D.O.C. from Eazy-E [4]. These actions demonstrated Knight's tactics and influence within the industry.